Montage Medical Group - Ryan Ranch

Montage Medical Group - Ryan Ranch

2 Upper Ragsdale Drive, Building A 蒙特利, CA 93940

Schedule a new patient 初级护理 appointment 在这个位置.

If you’re a current patient, you can use MyChart to schedule an appointment.


  • 主要: 831-333-3040
  • 传真: 831-886-3639

If you have an urgent question after hours, call to reach our answering service staff and an on-call doctor.

Hours of Operation

周日: 关闭
星期一: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
星期二: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
周三: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
星期四: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
星期五: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
周六: 关闭

Our office closes on the following holidays:

  • 元旦
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • 总统纪念日
  • 阵亡将士纪念日
  • 独立日
  • 劳动节
  • Thanksgiving Day and the next day
  • 圣诞节

If a holiday happens on a Saturday, our office will close the Friday before that day. If a holiday lands on a Sunday, we’re closed the next day (Monday).

Montage Medical Group, Ryan Ranch

视图 helpful information for patients and visitors about Montage Medical Group, Ryan Ranch in 蒙特利. This location, known as Building A, offers a wide variety of health services.

Driving directions

Driving from Highway 68, turn onto Ragsdale Drive, which becomes Upper Ragsdale Drive. After the stop sign, take the next right to turn onto our driveway. Building A is the large building closest to Upper Ragsdale Drive. You’ll see a sign with the Montage Medical Group logo and a large “A.”

Parking information

Park for free directly in front of the building.

Navigating inside the building

Use the main entrance. Check in with our front desk receptionist, and you’ll receive directions to find your doctor’s office.

Comfortable setting for care

Expect the offices and lobby in Building A to be well-maintained and smoke-free. For your convenience, we offer free guest Wi-Fi access and lobby charging stations for your devices.

Offices and services 在这个位置

You may visit Building A to see a Montage Medical Group:

In addition to various Montage Medical Group offices, also located in Building A at Ryan Ranch is 蒙太奇的健康’s Ohana outpatient location for child and adolescent psychiatry.

Your first appointment

Arrive early for your appointment to allow time for parking and check in, that way your doctor can see you as close to your scheduled appointment time as possible. Even if you use your MyChart account to check in before your appointment, please also let our staff know when you arrive.

Plan to bring your current prescription and over-the-counter medications in their original containers or a detailed list of everything you take. The list should include medication names, 剂量, frequency (when and how often you take it), and the prescribing physician's name.

Other 蒙太奇的健康 services nearby

Depending on your needs, you may visit 蒙太奇的健康’s nearby Ryan Ranch Outpatient Campus Building D for other medical services, such an imaging scan or laboratory test.